# Abortable promises ⚡ A module for node that lets you run complex sequence of async steps and: 1. Use an external signal to stop the sequence of steps ```typescript const sleep = promisify((timeout: number, callback: (...args: any[]) => void) => setTimeout(callback, timeout) ); const a = new AbortablePromise(async function* () { yield await sleep(1000); console.log("awaited 100"); yield await sleep(2000); console.log("awaited 200"); yield await sleep(3000); console.log("awaited 300"); }); setTimeout(() => a.abort(), 1500); // doesn't get to sleep(3000) ``` 2. Use an external signal to kill an _already started_ asynchronous step ```typescript const b = new AbortablePromise(async function* (await_or_abort) { const ping = await deferedSpawn("ping", [""]); while (true) { console.log( await await_or_abort(ping.waitForNextData(), () => { ping.kill(); }) ); yield; } }); setTimeout(() => b.abort(), 5000); // doesn't get to 5th ping ```