version: "3.2" services: db: image: mongo:4.4-bionic ports: - "${PORT:-2074}7:27017" test: image: sealious-app:latest build: context: ./docker dockerfile: ./test.Dockerfile volumes: - ./:/opt/sealious-app/ - ~/.npm_cacache:/opt/sealious-app/.npm_cacache user: ${UID:-1000}:${GID:-1000} mailcatcher: image: schickling/mailcatcher:latest ports: - "${PORT:-108}2:1080" - "${PORT:-102}6:1025" vroom: image: vroomvrp/vroom-docker:v1.12.0 container_name: vroom volumes: - ./vroom-conf/:/conf environment: - VROOM_ROUTER=osrm # router to use, osrm, valhalla or ors depends_on: - osrm ports: - 3000:3000 logging: driver: "json-file" options: max-size: "50m" # EXAMPLE for OSRM, please consult the repo for details: osrm: image: osrm/osrm-backend container_name: osrm restart: always ports: - 5000:5000 volumes: - ./osrm:/data command: "osrm-routed --max-matching-size 1000 --max-table-size 1000 --max-viaroute-size 1000 --algorithm mld /data/wielkopolskie-latest.osrm" logging: driver: "json-file" options: max-size: "50m" vroom-frontend: image: vroom-frontent:latest build: context: ./vroom-frontend dockerfile: ./vroom-frontend.Dockerfile user: ${UID:-1000}:${GID:-1000} ports: - 9966:9966 logging: driver: "json-file" options: max-size: "50m" nominatim: container_name: nominatim image: mediagis/nominatim:4.0 restart: always ports: - "7000:8080" environment: # see for more options PBF_PATH: /data/wielkopolskie-latest.osm.pbf NOMINATIM_PASSWORD: very_secure_password volumes: - ./nominatim:/var/lib/postgresql/12/main - ./osrm:/data shm_size: 1gb