You cannot select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

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import { App, Collection, FieldTypes, Policies } from "sealious";
import RegistrationIntentTemplate from "../email-templates/registration-intent";
export default class RegistrationIntents extends Collection {
fields = {
email: new FieldTypes.ValueNotExistingInCollection({
collection: "users",
field: "email",
include_forbidden: true,
token: new FieldTypes.SecretToken(),
role: new FieldTypes.SettableBy(
new FieldTypes.Enum((app: App) => app.ConfigManager.get("roles")),
new Policies.UsersWhoCan(["create", "user-roles"])
policies = {
create: new Policies.Public(),
edit: new Policies.Noone(),
defaultPolicy = new Policies.Super();
async init(app: App, name: string) {
await super.init(app, name);
this.on("after:create", async ([context, intent]) => {
await intent.decode(context);
const {
items: [item],
} = await app.collections["registration-intents"]
const token = item.get("token") as string;
const message = await RegistrationIntentTemplate(app, {
email_address: intent.get("email") as string,
await message.send(app);