You cannot select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

192 lines
8.3 KiB

;; custom-set-variables was added by Custom.
;; If you edit it by hand, you could mess it up, so be careful.
;; Your init file should contain only one such instance.
;; If there is more than one, they won't work right.
3 years ago
[default default default italic underline success warning error])
["#FDF6E3" "#CC9393" "#7F9F7F" "#F0DFAF" "#8CD0D3" "#DC8CC3" "#93E0E3" "#DCDCDC"])
'(calendar-week-start-day 1)
("o" counsel-projectile-switch-project-action "jump to a project buffer or file")
("f" counsel-projectile-switch-project-action-find-file "jump to a project file")
("d" counsel-projectile-switch-project-action-find-dir "jump to a project directory")
("D" counsel-projectile-switch-project-action-dired "open project in dired")
("b" counsel-projectile-switch-project-action-switch-to-buffer "jump to a project buffer")
("m" counsel-projectile-switch-project-action-find-file-manually "find file manually from project root")
("S" counsel-projectile-switch-project-action-save-all-buffers "save all project buffers")
("k" counsel-projectile-switch-project-action-kill-buffers "kill all project buffers")
("K" counsel-projectile-switch-project-action-remove-known-project "remove project from known projects")
("c" counsel-projectile-switch-project-action-compile "run project compilation command")
("C" counsel-projectile-switch-project-action-configure "run project configure command")
("E" counsel-projectile-switch-project-action-edit-dir-locals "edit project dir-locals")
("v" counsel-projectile-switch-project-action-vc "open project in vc-dir / magit / monky")
("sg" counsel-projectile-switch-project-action-grep "search project with grep")
("si" counsel-projectile-switch-project-action-git-grep "search project with git grep")
("ss" counsel-projectile-switch-project-action-ag "search project with ag")
("sr" counsel-projectile-switch-project-action-rg "search project with rg")
("xs" counsel-projectile-switch-project-action-run-shell "invoke shell from project root")
("xe" counsel-projectile-switch-project-action-run-eshell "invoke eshell from project root")
("xt" counsel-projectile-switch-project-action-run-term "invoke term from project root")
("xv" counsel-projectile-switch-project-action-run-vterm "invoke vterm from project root")
("Oc" counsel-projectile-switch-project-action-org-capture "capture into project")
("Oa" counsel-projectile-switch-project-action-org-agenda "open project agenda")))
'("2cdc13ef8c76a22daa0f46370011f54e79bae00d5736340a5ddfe656a767fddf" "93ed23c504b202cf96ee591138b0012c295338f38046a1f3c14522d4a64d7308" "4bca89c1004e24981c840d3a32755bf859a6910c65b829d9441814000cf6c3d0" "5d09b4ad5649fea40249dd937eaaa8f8a229db1cec9a1a0ef0de3ccf63523014" "711efe8b1233f2cf52f338fd7f15ce11c836d0b6240a18fffffc2cbd5bfe61b0" default))
'(doom-modeline-mu4e t)
'(fci-rule-color "#4F4F4F")
'(flycheck-html-tidy-executable "/usr/bin/tidy")
'(jdee-db-active-breakpoint-face-colors (cons "#000000" "#8CD0D3"))
'(jdee-db-requested-breakpoint-face-colors (cons "#000000" "#7F9F7F"))
'(jdee-db-spec-breakpoint-face-colors (cons "#000000" "#494949"))
'(mu4e-attachment-dir "/home/kuba/Downloads")
'(mu4e-completing-read-function 'ivy-completing-read)
'(mu4e-compose-context-policy 'ask-if-none)
'(mu4e-compose-format-flowed t)
'(mu4e-confirm-quit nil)
'(mu4e-context-policy 'pick-first)
'(mu4e-drafts-folder "/")
'(mu4e-get-mail-command "offlineimap -o -q")
'(mu4e-headers-visible-columns 120)
'(mu4e-hide-index-messages t)
((inbox-prefix . "")
(smtp-stream-type . starttls)
(smtp-user . "kuba")
(smtp-port . 587)
(smtp-server . "")
(fullname . "Kuba Orlik")
(addresses "")
(name . "")
(category . "personal")
(key . "1")
(inbox-prefix_ . "")
(smtp-stream-type_ . starttls)
(smtp-user_ . "kuba")
(smtp-port_ . 587)
(smtp-server_ . "")
(fullname_ . "Kuba Orlik")
(addresses_ "")
(name_ . "")
(category_ . "personal")
(key_ . "1")
(some 'identity
((mu4e-message-contact-field-matches msg :to addr)
(concat "/" name "/" inbox-prefix "Archives"))
((mu4e-message-contact-field-matches msg :from addr)
(concat "/" name "/" inbox-prefix "Sent"))
(t nil)))
(concat "/" name "/" inbox-prefix "Archives"))))
'(mu4e-sent-folder "/")
'(mu4e-split-view 'vertical)
'(mu4e-trash-folder "/")
'(mu4e-update-interval 20)
'(mu4e-view-show-addresses t)
'(mu4e-view-show-images t)
'(objed-cursor-color "#CC9393")
'(("n" "Agenda and all TODOs"
((agenda "" nil)
(alltodo "" nil))
("p" . "Personal context")
("pa" "Agenda + todo"
((agenda ""
3 years ago
((org-agenda-span 'day)))
(alltodo "" nil))
("h" "Tasks on hold" todo "HOLD" nil)
("w" . "Work context")
("wa" "Agenda + todo"
((agenda ""
3 years ago
((org-agenda-span 'day))))
nil nil)
("x" "Describe command here" alltodo ""
'(org-agenda-files '("~/org/"))
'(org-agenda-span 1)
'(org-agenda-todo-ignore-scheduled 'future)
'(("t" "Inbox item" entry
(file "~/org/")
"* TODO %?
("T" "Inbox item with Capture Target" entry
(file "~/org/")
"* TODO %? (link)
("s" "test" entry
(file "~/org/")
3 years ago
"* TODO %a %?")))
'(org-clock-in-resume t)
'(org-clock-mode-line-total 'current)
'(org-clock-persist 'history)
'(org-fontify-done-headline nil)
'(org-fontify-quote-and-verse-blocks t)
'(org-fontify-whole-heading-line t)
3 years ago
'(org-modules '(org-habit))
'(org-priority-lowest 70)
'(("/home/kuba/org/" :maxlevel . 2)
("/home/kuba/org/" :level . 2)
("/home/kuba/org/" :level . 1)))
3 years ago
'(org-todo-keywords '((sequence "TODO" "DONE(!)" "HOLD")))
'(package-selected-packages '(htmlize))
'(pdf-view-midnight-colors (cons "#DCDCDC" "#3F3F3F"))
'(projectile-auto-discover nil)
'(projectile-dynamic-mode-line nil)
'(projectile-enable-caching t)
'(projectile-git-submodule-command nil)
'(projectile-mode t nil (projectile))
["#3F3F3F" "#CC9393" "#7F9F7F" "#F0DFAF" "#8CD0D3" "#DC8CC3" "#93E0E3" "#DCDCDC"])
'(vc-annotate-background "#3F3F3F")
(cons 20 "#7F9F7F")
(cons 40 "#a4b48f")
(cons 60 "#cac99f")
(cons 80 "#F0DFAF")
(cons 100 "#eacfa4")
(cons 120 "#e4bf99")
(cons 140 "#DFAF8F")
(cons 160 "#dea3a0")
(cons 180 "#dd97b1")
(cons 200 "#DC8CC3")
(cons 220 "#d68eb3")
(cons 240 "#d190a3")
(cons 260 "#CC9393")
(cons 280 "#ab8080")
(cons 300 "#8a6d6d")
(cons 320 "#695b5b")
(cons 340 "#4F4F4F")
(cons 360 "#4F4F4F")))
'(vc-annotate-very-old-color nil))
;; custom-set-faces was added by Custom.
;; If you edit it by hand, you could mess it up, so be careful.
;; Your init file should contain only one such instance.
;; If there is more than one, they won't work right.
'(mu4e-header-face ((t (:inherit 'font-lock-keyword-face :weight normal))))
'(mu4e-header-highlight-face ((t (:inherit 'hl-line :underline t :extend t))))
'(mu4e-header-marks-face ((t (:inherit 'font-lock-preprocessor-face))))
'(mu4e-ok-face ((t (:inherit font-lock-comment-face :foreground "black" :slant normal :weight bold))))
'(mu4e-replied-face ((t (:inherit 'mu4e-header-face :slant italic))))
'(mu4e-unread-face ((t (:inherit 'font-lock-keyword-face))))
'(org-headline-done ((t (:inherit org-headline-todo)))))
3 years ago
(put 'customize-themes 'disabled nil)