You cannot select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

232 lines
6.6 KiB

import { BaseContext } from "koa";
import Router from "@koa/router";
import { Templatable, tempstream } from "tempstream";
import { FormControl } from "./controls";
import { hasShape, is, predicates } from "@sealcode/ts-predicates";
import { Mountable, PageErrorMessage } from "../page/page";
import { FormField } from "./field";
export type FormData<Fieldnames extends string = string> = {
values: Record<Fieldnames, string | string[] | number>;
raw_values: Record<Fieldnames, string | string[] | number>;
errors: Partial<Record<Fieldnames, string>>;
messages: { type: "info" | "success" | "error"; text: string }[];
export default abstract class Form<Fieldnames extends string = string>
implements Mountable
abstract fields: FormField<Fieldnames>[];
abstract controls: FormControl[];
defaultSuccessMessage = "Done";
submitButtonText = "Wyslij";
// eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-unused-vars
async canAccess(_: BaseContext) {
return { canAccess: true, message: "" };
async renderError(_: BaseContext, error: PageErrorMessage) {
return tempstream/* HTML */ `<div>${error.message}</div>`;
async validate(
// eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-unused-vars
_: BaseContext,
// eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-unused-vars
__: Record<string, unknown>
): Promise<{ valid: boolean; error: string }> {
return {
valid: true,
error: "",
private async _validate(
ctx: BaseContext,
values: Record<string, unknown>
): Promise<{
valid: boolean;
errors: Record<Fieldnames | "form", string>;
}> {
// eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/consistent-type-assertions
const errors = {} as Record<Fieldnames | "form", string>;
let valid = true;
await Promise.all( (field) => {
const { valid: fieldvalid, message: fieldmessage } =
await field._validate(ctx, values[]);
if (!fieldvalid) {
valid = false;
errors[] = fieldmessage;
const formValidationResult = await this.validate(ctx, values);
if (!formValidationResult.valid) {
valid = false;
errors.form = formValidationResult.error;
return { valid, errors };
async render(
ctx: BaseContext,
data: FormData,
// eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-unused-vars
form_path: string
): Promise<Templatable> {
return tempstream/* HTML */ `${this.makeFormTag(`${ctx.URL.pathname}/`)} ${
!this.controls.some((control) => control.role == "messages")
? this.renderMessages(ctx, data)
: ""
} ${
data.errors.form !== undefined
? `<div class="form__error">${data.errors.form}</div>`
: ""
} ${this.renderControls(ctx, data)}<input type="submit" value="${
public renderMessages(_: BaseContext, data: FormData): Templatable {
return tempstream/* HTML */ `<div class="form-messages">
(message) =>
`<div class="form-message form-message--${message.type}">${message.text}</div>`
public renderControls(ctx: BaseContext, data: FormData): Templatable {
return tempstream/* HTML */ `${ =>
control.render(ctx, this.fields, data)
public makeFormTag(path: string) {
return `<form method="POST" action="${path}">`;
private generateData(rawData: Record<string, unknown> = {}): FormData {
// generates a FormData object that has the correct shape to be passed to
// render(), so for example it makes sure that all fields either have values or
// are empty string (the aren't undefined, for example). If no argument is passed,
// creates an object that represents an empty state of the form. If some data
// object is passed in the first argument, then the values in that data object are
// incorporated into the generated object
// eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/consistent-type-assertions
const values = Object.fromEntries( => [, rawData[] || f.getEmptyValue()])
) as Record<Fieldnames, string>;
// eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/consistent-type-assertions
const errors = Object.fromEntries( => [, ""])) as Record<
return {
messages: [],
// eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/consistent-type-assertions
raw_values: rawData as Record<string, string>,
public async onValuesInvalid(
ctx: BaseContext,
errors: Record<Fieldnames, string>,
form_path: string
) {
ctx.status = 422;
const { values, raw_values } = this.generateData(ctx.$body);
ctx.body = await this.render(
messages: [{ type: "error", text: "Some fields are invalid" }],
public async onError(ctx: BaseContext, error: unknown, form_path: string) {
ctx.status = 422;
let error_message = "Unknown error has occured";
if (
is(error, predicates.object) &&
hasShape({ message: predicates.string }, error)
) {
error_message = error.message;
const { values, raw_values } = this.generateData(ctx.$body);
ctx.body = await this.render(
errors: {},
messages: [{ type: "error", text: error_message }],
public abstract onSubmit(
ctx: BaseContext,
values: Record<Fieldnames, string | string[] | number>
): void | Promise<void>;
public async onSuccess(ctx: BaseContext, form_path: string): Promise<void> {
const { values, raw_values } = this.generateData(ctx.$body);
ctx.body = await this.render(
errors: {},
messages: [{ type: "success", text: this.defaultSuccessMessage }],
ctx.status = 422;
public mount(router: Router, path: string) {
router.use(path, async (ctx, next) => {
const result = await this.canAccess(ctx);
if (!result.canAccess) {
ctx.body = this.renderError(ctx, {
type: "access",
message: result.message,
ctx.status = 403;
await next();
router.get(path, async (ctx) => {
ctx.type = "html";
ctx.body = await this.render(ctx, this.generateData(), path);
});, async (ctx) => {
const { valid, errors } = await this._validate(ctx, ctx.$body);
if (!valid) {
await this.onValuesInvalid(ctx, errors, path);
try {
await this.onSubmit(ctx, this.generateData(ctx.$body).values);
await this.onSuccess(ctx, path);
} catch (e) {
// eslint-disable-next-line no-console
console.dir(e, { depth: 5 });
await this.onError(ctx, e, path);