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26 lines
861 B

set -e
docker-compose down
cp secrets.example.json secrets.json
SEALIOUS_BASE_URL=$(cat .base_url)
# Create the npm cache directory if it isn't present yet. If it is not present, it will be created
# when the docker image is being built with root:root as the owner.
mkdir -p ~/.npm_cacache
# Create .npm directory in the container, since it is not yet present and we need it for next step.
docker-compose run --user="$UID" --rm --service-ports test mkdir -p /opt/sealious-playground/.npm
# Link the host-bound npm cache directory into the container's npm cache directory.
docker-compose run --user="$UID" --rm --service-ports test ln -s /opt/sealious-playground/.npm_cacache /opt/sealious-playground/.npm/_cacache
docker-compose up -d db
./ ci
./ run build;
rm -f log.html