You cannot select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

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import { Middleware } from "@koa/router";
import { hasShape, predicates } from "@sealcode/ts-predicates";
import assert from "assert";
const finalizeRegistrationIntent: Middleware = async (ctx) => {
if (
token: predicates.string,
username: predicates.string,
password: predicates.string,
) {
throw new Error("Missing attributes. Required: token, username, password");
const intents = await ctx.$app.collections["registration-intents"]
.filter({ token: ctx.$body.token })
if (intents.empty) {
throw new Error("Incorrect token");
const intent = intents.items[0];
const user = await ctx.$app.collections.users.suCreate({
password: ctx.$body.password,
username: ctx.$body.username,
email: intent.get("email") as string,
roles: [],
if (intent.get("role")) {
await ctx.$app.collections["user-roles"].suCreate({
role: intent.get("role") as string,
await intent.remove(new ctx.$app.SuperContext());
const target_path = ctx.$app.ConfigManager.get("accout_creation_success_path");
if (target_path) {
"'accout_creation_success_path' set, but doesn't start with a '/'"
ctx.body = `<meta http-equiv="refresh" content="0; url=${target_path}" />`;
ctx.body = "Account creation successful";
ctx.status = 201;
export default finalizeRegistrationIntent;