You cannot select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

184 lines
4.6 KiB

import QtQuick 2.0
import QtCharts 2.3
Item {
property int year;
property int day;
property int month;
property bool isToday: false;
Component.onCompleted: {
Component.onDestruction: {
function setTimeout(func, interval, ...params) {
console.log("Setting timeout!", interval)
return setTimeoutComponent.createObject(parent, { func, interval} );
function clearTimeout(timerObj) {
Component {
id: setTimeoutComponent
Timer {
property var func
running: true
repeat: false
onTriggered: {
function draw(series, data, shifttime, index, ymax, xmin, xmax){
const ts = new Date().getTime();
var xa = xaxis;
var ya = yaxis;
if(index === undefined){
index = 0;
if(ymax === undefined){
ymax= 0;
xmin= new Date("2222-01-01");
xmax= new Date("1990-01-01");
if(index >= data.length){
xa.max = xmax;
xa.min = xmin;
ya.max = ymax;
var step = 50;
for(var i=0; i<step; i+=2){
var coords = data[index+i];
if(!coords){ break};
var x = new Date(coords[3].getTime()+shifttime);
var y = coords[1]
ymax = y
xmax = x
if(x<xmin || xmin === 0){
xmin = x
series.append(x, y)
xa.max = xmax;
xa.min = xmin;
ya.max = ymax;
const te = new Date().getTime();
// console.log("drew", step, "points in ", te-ts, "ms")
background.setTimeout(function(){draw(series, data, shifttime, index+step, ymax, xmin, xmax)}, 0)
function refresh(){
var ts = new Date().getTime();
// chart.removeAllSeries();
const DAY =1000*60*60*24;
var s = series;
var ys = yesterdaySeries;
cache.getForDay(day, month, year, function(data){draw(s, data, 0)})
cache.getForDay(day-1, month, year, function(data){draw(ys, data, DAY)})
// const xa = xaxis;
// const ya = yaxis;
// cache.getForDay(day, month, year)
// .forEach(function(coords){
// var x = coords[3];
// var y = coords[1]
// if(y>ymax){
// ymax = y
// }
// if(x>xmin){
// xmax = x
// }
// if(x<xmin || xmin === 0){
// xmin = x
// }
// s.append(x, y)
// })
// cache.getForDay(day-1, month, year)
// .forEach(function(coords){
// var x = coords[3];
// var y = coords[1]
// if(y>ymax){
// ymax = y
// }
// if(x>xmin){
// xmax = x
// }
// if(x<xmin || xmin === 0){
// xmin = x
// }
// ys.append(x, y)
// })
// xa.max = xmax;
// xa.min = xmin;
// ya.max = ymax;
// var te = new Date().getTime();
// console.log("rendering graph: ", te-ts)
ChartView {
title: year.toString() + "-" + month.toString() + "-" + day.toString()
anchors.fill: parent
antialiasing: true
id: chart
id: xaxis
format: "hh:mm"
ValuesAxis {
id: yaxis
min: 0
useOpenGL: true
name: "wczoraj"
axisX: xaxis
axisY: yaxis
color: "#ccc"
visible: isToday
upperSeries: LineSeries {
id: yesterdaySeries
AreaSeries {
useOpenGL: true
name: isToday? "dzisiaj" : year + "-" + month + "-" + day
color: "#0074D9"
borderColor: "#0074D9"
axisX: xaxis
axisY: yaxis
borderWidth: 0
upperSeries: LineSeries{
id: series