import axios from "axios"; import assert from "assert"; import TheApp from "../app"; import { withProdApp } from "../test_utils/with-prod-app"; describe("password-reset-intents", () => { async function createAUser(app: TheApp) { await app.collections.users.suCreate({ username: "user", email: "", password: "password", roles: [], }); } it("tells you if the email address doesn't exist", async () => withProdApp(async ({ app, base_url }) => { const email = ""; try { await `${base_url}/api/v1/collections/password-reset-intents`, { email: email, } ); } catch (e) { assert.equal(, app.i18n("invalid_existing_value", ["users", "email", email]) ); return; } throw new Error("it didn't throw"); })); it("allows anyone to create an intent, if the email exists", async () => withProdApp(async ({ app, base_url }) => { await createAUser(app); const { email, token } = ( await `${base_url}/api/v1/collections/password-reset-intents`, { email: "", } ) ).data; assert.deepEqual( { email, token }, { email: "", token: "it's a secret to everybody", } ); })); it("tells you if the email address is malformed", async () => withProdApp(async ({ app, base_url }) => { const email = "incorrect-address"; try { await `${base_url}/api/v1/collections/password-reset-intents`, { email: email, } ); } catch (e) { assert.equal(, app.i18n("invalid_email", [email]) ); return; } throw new Error("it didn't throw"); })); it("sends an email with the reset password link", async () => withProdApp(async ({ app, base_url, mail_api }) => { await createAUser(app); await`${base_url}/api/v1/collections/password-reset-intents`, { email: "", }); const messages = (await mail_api.getMessages()).filter( (message) => message.recipients[0] == "" ); assert.equal(messages.length, 1); assert.equal(messages[0].recipients.length, 1); assert.equal(messages[0].recipients[0], ""); })); });